ElvUI WindTools

ElvUI WindTools


[Bug][Module>Item>Delete Item] 'Fill by click' breaks when using the delete key

Xyxeii opened this issue ยท 3 comments


When 'Fill by click' is selected in the 'Delete Item' module and you attempt to delete an item with the delete key, an error is thrown.
1x [ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED] AddOn 'ElvUI_WindTools' tried to call the protected function 'DeleteCursorItem()'. [string "@!BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua"]:519: in function <!BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua:519> [string "=[C]"]: ? [string "@ElvUI_WindTools\Modules\Item\DeleteItem.lua"]:51: in function <...eElvUI_WindTools\Modules\Item\DeleteItem.lua:49>

Blizzard seems to have made DeleteCursorItem() a protected function that can only be called by hardware event so you might have to make a workaround to this functionality. You could possibly merge the functionality of 'Auto fill' and capture the delete key and have it confirm the dialog box.


I will check it tmr, zhCN and zhTW now is still 9.0.1


fixed in 4a12118


It's a shame that blizzard protected this function cause I really loved the one click delete. I'm finding the auto-fill option to be much more useful now after this change since I just press enter to delete.

I'm not sure if you wanted to add if DI.fillInButton then DI.fillInButton:SetText("|cff2ecc71" .. L["Confirmed"] .. "|r") end after the line you changed or something similar to update the fillInbutton text when you press delete.