ElvUI WindTools

ElvUI WindTools


[Bug] Iskaaran Fishing Nets wrong timer

deadlydag opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Looks like the upgrades to the fishing nets is not included, so the timers are very wrong.
I have 6 hour timers since I have gotten the upgrades, but it still shows as 10 hours on the module.


the 10 hours timer is hard code in addon, and what's the upgrade of fishing net? I am very curious of this fishing game play.
I want the details like the quest done, level up the reknown to xx, achievement got, etc.


Once you hit level 13 with the Iskaara Tuskarr faction, you can upgrade your fishing-items. You can learn to make two improvements to your net - Draconium Net Weights and Imbu Knot -- which increase the capacity and fill speed of your fishing net.

While the [Draconium Net Weights] doesn't affect your filling-speed, if you get the [Imbu Knot], your timer goes from 10 hours down to 6 hours to fill one fishing net.

You can also have 3 fishing nets up at all times. I'm not sure how it works, because the daily-quests seems random - but there are two daily-quests at one fishing-hub, and thats the place you get 2x fishing nets. On the other fishing-hub, you only get 1x fishing net. But in total there are 3x up at all times.

You can also upgrade your [Imbu Knot] to [Double Imbu Knot] https://www.wowhead.com/item=199851/double-imbu-knot at a higher level, but I haven't gotten that far yet, so I'm not sure how many hours it is.

Very clear!
I will take a look in the future version.


Once you hit level 13 with the Iskaara Tuskarr faction, you can upgrade your fishing-items.
You can learn to make two improvements to your net - Draconium Net Weights and Imbu Knot -- which increase the capacity and fill speed of your fishing net.

While the [Draconium Net Weights] doesn't affect your filling-speed, if you get the [Imbu Knot], your timer goes from 10 hours down to 6 hours to fill one fishing net.

You can also have 3 fishing nets up at all times.
I'm not sure how it works, because the daily-quests seems random - but there are two daily-quests at one fishing-hub, and thats the place you get 2x fishing nets.
On the other fishing-hub, you only get 1x fishing net.
But in total there are 3x up at all times.

You can also upgrade your [Imbu Knot] to [Double Imbu Knot] https://www.wowhead.com/item=199851/double-imbu-knot at a higher level, but I haven't gotten that far yet, so I'm not sure how many hours it is.


After upgrading the fishing net, is the Imbu Knot in your bag or just disappeared in fishing gear craft UI?


New logic has been added in 3.20 version, if you found the fishing net not recorded, please use command /wtet findNet in-game, and post the output here.


Love the update. Looking great on the timers.
I just got the timer down to 4 hours each net, and it works perfectly.

Not too sure about the bonus net yet though, as it doesnt show.
I did however set the net before I noticed it didn't show up,
so I'm assuming thats why nothing happens when I write /wtet findNet

It only says

WindTools: ----------
WindTools: mapID
WindTools: mapName
WindTools: position
WindTools: widgetID
WindTools: timeLeft
WindTools: ----------

The net is the one on 80,78 in Ohn'ahran Plains.
But I'll do the /wtet findNet before setting the net, just have to wait 3 hours (and sleep).

I'll get back to you.

Thank you for the updates!

Edit: Nothing happens when pasting /wtet findNet while the net is not set, and after its set, it only says what I pasted above.


Because it is time to 11.0, this issue won't be fix.