ElvUI WindTools

ElvUI WindTools


[Bug] PlayerChoice.lua errors while having the shadow skin option off

midnightgirlj opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Describe the bug
Under Skins in Windtools, there's an option to turn on/off (enable/disable) Shadow for the UI. I have turned this off because it makes the UI look blurry to me even when the size is set to 0. Since turning this off, I have consistent lua errors anytime a "player choice" panel comes up.... so Torghast abilities (when I first had the errors), picking a perk from Cobalt Assembly or Time Rifts, picking a faction at Forbidden Reach, etc. It's been happening consistently with shadows disabled and a player choice panel. I get exactly the same error with debug mode (/wtdebug on) too.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to '...'
    Skins in Windtools and turn "shadow" to off (unclick enable) and reload

  2. Click on '....'
    Anything that will create a player choice panel, like Time Rift orbs or the table to pick a faction on Forbidden Reach or Cobalt Assembly ability choices and you will get a the following lua error below

  3. See error:
    UI_WindTools/Modules/Skins/Blizzard/PlayerChoice.lua:13: attempt to index field 'shadow' (a nil value)
    [string "@ElvUI_WindTools/Modules/Skins/Blizzard/PlayerChoice.lua"]:13: in function <...UI_WindTools/Modules/Skins/Blizzard/PlayerChoice.lua:7>
    [string "=[C]"]: ?
    [string "=[C]"]: in function SetupOptions' [string "@Blizzard_PlayerChoice/Blizzard_PlayerChoice.lua"]:140: in function TryShow'
    [string "@FrameXML/UIParent.lua"]:2285: in function <FrameXML/UIParent.lua:1420>
    [string "=[C]"]: ?

frame = PlayerChoiceFrame {
IsLayoutFrame = defined @SharedXML/LayoutFrame.lua:36
OnSelectionMade = defined @Blizzard_PlayerChoice/Blizzard_PlayerChoice.lua:221
optionFrameTemplate = "PlayerChoiceGenericPowerChoiceOptionTemplate"
SetupFrame = defined @Blizzard_PlayerChoice/Blizzard_PlayerChoice.lua:249
GetTextureKitInfo = defined @Blizzard_PlayerChoice/Blizzard_PlayerChoice.lua:110
GetChildPadding = defined @SharedXML/LayoutFrame.lua:150
OnCleaned = defined @SharedXML/LayoutFrame.lua:131
OnCloseUIFromExitButton = defined @Blizzard_PlayerChoice/Blizzard_PlayerChoice.lua:227
TryShow = defined @Blizzard_PlayerChoice/Blizzard_PlayerChoice.lua:121
GetPlayerChoiceOptionHeightData = defined @Blizzard_PlayerChoice/Blizzard_PlayerChoice.lua:296
alignedSectionMaxHeights =

expand = true
OnShow = defined @Blizzard_PlayerChoice/Blizzard_PlayerChoice.lua:165
rightPadding = 65
optionPools =
leftPadding = 65
LayoutChildren = defined @SharedXML/LayoutFrame.lua:280
bottomPadding = 120
choiceInfo =
topPadding = 120
Header = Frame {
optionsAligned = true
textureKitInfo =
isLegacy = false
uiTextureKit = "genericplayerchoice"
GetObjectGUID = defined @Blizzard_PlayerChoice/Blizzard_PlayerChoice.lua:149
BlackBackground = Frame {
AreOptionsAligned = defined @Blizzard_PlayerChoice/Blizzard_PlayerChoice.lua:350
ResetPlayerChoiceOptionHeightData = defined @Blizzard_PlayerChoice/Blizzard_PlayerChoice.lua:292
FadeOutAllOptions = defined @Blizzard_PlayerChoice/Blizzard_PlayerChoice.lua:215
MarkDirty = defined @SharedXML/LayoutFrame.lua:99
Title = Frame {
CalculateFrameSize = defined @SharedXML/LayoutFrame.lua:165
AddLayoutChildren = defined @SharedXML/LayoutFrame.lua:55
Background = Frame {
NineSlice = Frame {
IsLegacy = defined @Blizzard_PlayerChoice/Blizzard_PlayerChoice.lua:354
spacing = 20
OnUpdate = defined @SharedXML/LayoutFrame.lua:93
GetLayoutChildren = defined @SharedXML/LayoutFrame.lua:73
BorderLayerModelScene = ModelScene {
AlignOptionHeights = defined @Blizzard_PlayerChoice/Blizzard_PlayerChoice.lua:328
GetAdditionalRegions = defined @SharedXML/LayoutFrame.lua:85
onCloseCallback = defined @SharedXML/FunctionUtil.lua:89
IsDirty = defined @SharedXML/LayoutFrame.lua:127
OnLoad = defined @Blizzard_PlayerChoice/Blizzard_PlayerChoice.lua:3
OnHide = defined @Blizzard_PlayerChoice/Blizzard_PlayerChoice.lua:189
Layout = defined @SharedXML/LayoutFrame.lua:187
0 =
OnEvent = defined @Blizzard_PlayerChoice/Blizzard_PlayerChoice.lua:8
GetPadding = defined @SharedXML/LayoutFrame.lua:141
CloseButton = Button {
SetupTextureKits = defined @Blizzard_PlayerChoice/Blizzard_PlayerChoice.lua:115
MarkClean = defined @SharedXML/LayoutFrame.lua:117
MarkIgnoreInLayout = defined @SharedXML/LayoutFrame.lua:44
fixedWidth = 100
SetupOptions = defined =[C]:-1
IgnoreLayoutIndex = defined @SharedXML/LayoutFrame.lua:40
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = PlayerChoiceFrame {
IsLayoutFrame = defined @SharedXML/LayoutFrame.lua:36
OnSelectionMade = defined @Blizzard_PlayerChoice/Blizzard_PlayerChoice.lua:221
optionFrameTemplate = "PlayerCho

Expected behavior
I would like to keep the shadow affect disabled on my UI while not having lua errors during player choice panels because the shadow effect looks blurry and hurts my eyes.

Information (you can find these in [WindTools-Information]):

  • Addon Version: 3.34
  • ElvUI Version: 13.38
  • WoW Build: 10.1.5 (50585)

Additional context
The option "WeakAuras Shadows" does not seem to have an effect on this error at all, off or on it doesn't cause the lua error, only when Shadow is disabled and a player choice panel pops up.


Thanks for your reporting.