ElvUI WindTools

ElvUI WindTools


[Bug] Minimap Buttons

Darkwing151 opened this issue ยท 2 comments



i face an issue where the settings for "Maps > Minimap Buttons" are not saved correctly.
Only the position is saved consistently.

To reproduce this, i create a new character, select shared profile on start ant the settings are reset to the following:

Expected (or saved config) should be:
Orientation: Vertical
Buttons Per Row: 1
Button Size: 15
Button Spacing: 1
Expansion Landing Page : checked


on new char:

Sometimes the orientation is vertical with "horizontal" stated in the settings.
This may lead to the conclusion, that the config is not correctly saved for me.

  • Addon Version: 3.66
  • ElvUI Version: 13.74
  • WoW Build: 11.0.2 (56162)

Because of Minimap Buttons module saves the config in ElvUI Private Database, which different with ElvUI Profile Database.
You can use same or just import/export the private setting in ElvUI Options - Profile - Private


Thank you for asking this question @Darkwing151 and thank you for pointing out the steps to eliminate this problem @fang2hou.
I was just curious if there is a possibility in the future to make this configuration migrate with the other part of the profile in non-private.
As I have a lot of alts and when I change something, applying it to every character is a bit too much time-consuming.