ElvUI Chat Tweaks

ElvUI Chat Tweaks


Broken w/ElvUI 13.20

griddark opened this issue ยท 22 comments


For anyone popping over here, the fixes are included in this thread, cr4ckp0t is aware of the issues, but hasn't the time to fix the addon due to a busy life, and wanting to enjoy the game himself, he doesn't use the addon anymore, and has offered to let users post pull requests to fix the issues.

Keep in mind, the not loading issue is because ElvUI itself prevents the loading of the addon.
If you're unwilling or uncomfortable applying the fixes below yourself, Prat 3.0 is an alternative option.

If you're seeing updates, these seem to be an automated script that is just updating the TOC.

Fixes can be found here:
#58 (comment)
#58 (comment)
#58 (comment)


It also breaks Shadow & Light. Prevents it from even loading, despite the addon being enabled.


Changelog for 13.18...

Version 13.18 [ January 17th 2023 ]

Another attempt to prevent issue with RC Loot Auto-pass getting loot frames stuck.
Style Filters adds support for Known Spells (replaces old talents).
**Datatexts added through LibDataBroker will now start with LDB.**
Evoker Disintegrate chain tick now cleared when cast failed.
Encounter Journal skin updated a little bit.
Auras size 29 was bugged, whoops.
Evoker added to [class:icon] tag.

Seems like a change to how Datatexts work now.


Also Break Elvui Windtools.


OK. I am not a LUA programmer, but I think I found the issue.

The last commit (at this time) fixes the DataText issue.
But there are two more that needs to be fixed.

  1. AutoSetRole.lua
local function ValueColorUpdate(hex, r, g, b)
	Module.hex = hex
E["valueColorUpdateFuncs"][ValueColorUpdate] = true

needs to be changed to

local function ValueColorUpdate(self, hex)
	Module.hex = hex
E.valueColorUpdateFuncs.AutoSetRole = ValueColorUpdate
  1. ElvUI_ChatTweaks.lua
local function ValueColorUpdate(hex, r, g, b)
	ElvUI_ChatTweaks.hexColor = hex
E["valueColorUpdateFuncs"][ValueColorUpdate] = true

needs to be changed to

local function ValueColorUpdate(self, hex)
	ElvUI_ChatTweaks.hexColor = hex
E.valueColorUpdateFuncs.ChatTweaks = ValueColorUpdate

Or something like this.
At least that changes stopped those pesky error messages and allowed other ElvUI plugins (WindTools, Shadow and LIght) to be loaded.

Hope it helps a bit.


Perfect, works like a charm


Still broken for me, even after today's update - any chance of a patch? :)


Don't know what update you're talking about, there was not one released on Curseforge for me since 9.0.16, which was broken.
If you check the commits, you'll see that the only change in 9.0.16 was TOC number.
Did you make BelegCufea changes mentioned in AutoSetRole.lua and ElvUI_ChatTweaks.lua ? They fix the issue.


@Araldwenn i had an update today on curseforge, but it was just for ToC for new patch. i didnt make the changee, i disabled the adodn until a working version is released :)


Line 131 and 569 of ElvUI_ChatTweaks.lua will also need replacing of E:ToggleOptionsUI() with E:ToggleOptions() so elvui config opens/closes properly.


I will be fixing this addon, as well as updating it to use some recent ElvUI quality of life changes for plugins. It's just a large undertaking and haven't had the time yet.


I'm looking forward to it @cr4ckp0t take your time, it's an awesome addon, and I know how much work patches can be!


Since last WoW update (10.0.7) and so last Elvui update (13.29), ChatTweaks (9.1.1) refuses to load. Tried many times to tick the box, but after reloadui, the box is unchecked.


It seems kinda insane that there have been updates, but the fixes provided in here haven't been added and the update actually doesn't fix the addon.
I'm not trying to rush you @cr4ckp0t addon's are hardwork and I'm grateful for that work, I can't do it myself and so I'll be patient, it's just weird to update an addon to a broken version.


In fact, the addon worked just fine till yesterday if you added the fixes below. But now, it seems that the last version of Elvui broke ChatTweaks completely.


It seems kinda insane that there have been updates, but the fixes provided in here haven't been added and the update actually doesn't fix the addon. I'm not trying to rush you @cr4ckp0t addon's are hardwork and I'm grateful for that work, I can't do it myself and so I'll be patient, it's just weird to update an addon to a broken version.

I currently maintain something like 20 or so addon projects across all my repos, and so on release days it is painful to go through and update each TOC for the new interface version so WoW won't complain about it being out of date. To make it easier on myself I wrote some PowerShell that will update the interface version, increment the addon version, commit it to GitHub, and create a tag so that the Curse packager will grab it. That is why the interface version was updated but no code has actually changed.

You guys need to realize that I do all of this for no money in my own free time. I have a full-time job, as well as a wife and doggos, as well as a fairly consistent raid schedule. I frankly do not have much time to do the work required to get this addon back up to snuff. I want to do it, I just don't have much time to dedicate to it. What little time I get, I play WoW for new content, and work on other minor projects.

If someone wants to write the fixes and create a pull request, I will happily implement it into the addon, and give proper credit. In the meantime, you just have to be patient, even if that means disabling the addon for the time being.

Please do not just put the fixes in this ticket. I am not going to manually go through and apply the changes. A pull request makes it just a couple of clicks for me to integrate the changes, once reviewed.


Thanks again @cr4ckp0t it's why I added my edit. I didn't know you maintained 20 addons, but I did assume you had other priorities, and fixing addons when it comes at the expense of enjoying the game is ridiculous. Take you're time and thank-you again.


ElvUI is now always disabling ElvUI Chat Tweaks, found this in ElvUI/Core/init.lua...

local alwaysDisable = {
	'ElvUI_ChatTweaks',  << this is line number 202

Change line 202 to...
-- 'ElvUI_ChatTweaks',

the -- disables that line of code and now ElvUI Chat Tweaks loads.

You will need to do edits as mentioned in #58 (comment) & #58 (comment) to get it to work with latest ElvUI


Well, it seems that even just a few clicks to implement the fix are still too much, guess we are too few to use ElvUI ChatTweaks...
I've moved to Prat.


Well, it seems that even just a few clicks to implement the fix are still too much, guess we are too few to use ElvUI ChatTweaks... I've moved to Prat.

To be honest, I don't really care if you use any of my add-ons if you're going to be rude with your replies. Last I checked, you don't pay me to maintain this or any other of my projects. If you're going to be rude then I have no time for you.

Additionally, I don't even use this addon anymore, so it's importance to me has dropped quite a bit. That's not to say I don't want to update it because I do. I just haven't found the time to do it because it is going to require a large rewrite to work properly with recent ElvUI changes. I am not interested in band-aids just to keep it working.


Well, it seems that even just a few clicks to implement the fix are still too much, guess we are too few to use ElvUI ChatTweaks... I've moved to Prat.

To be honest, I don't really care if you use any of my add-ons if you're going to be rude with your replies. Last I checked, you don't pay me to maintain this or any other of my projects. If you're going to be rude then I have no time for you.

Additionally, I don't even use this addon anymore, so it's importance to me has dropped quite a bit. That's not to say I don't want to update it because I do. I just haven't found the time to do it because it is going to require a large rewrite to work properly with recent ElvUI changes. I am not interested in band-aids just to keep it working.

Sorry, didn't mean to be rude, english is not my native langage, I was just a little disappointed, anyway thanks for the hard job.


Also needing an update. The addon now disables itself when doing a /reload and it's unusable.


Also needing an update. The addon now disables itself when doing a /reload and it's unusable.

You are incorrect. The addon doesn't disable itself. ElvUI disables it, as others have previously mentioned.