WotLK Raid/Dungeon Info
Fawenah opened this issue ยท 1 comments
With the new WotLK expansion, the new dungeons and raids are not getting loaded.
Updating the zone table with the new BW WotLK packages gives you the zones/bosses:
Options.lua, row 1596
zoneTbl[k] == "BigWigs_Shadowlands" or zoneTbl[k] == "LittleWigs_Shadowlands" or zoneTbl[k] == "BigWigs_BurningCrusade" or zoneTbl[k] == "LittleWigs_BurningCrusade" or zoneTbl[k] == "BigWigs_WrathOfTheLichKing" or zoneTbl[k] == "LittleWigs_WrathOfTheLichKing"
However it does not successfully load all options for raids and bosses.
It seems to struggle with some bosses, my first guess was due apostrophe (such as in Kel'Thuzad) and doesn't load him at all.
But Anub'Rekhan loads.
I assume it's something in the refreshInfo where it fetches the BW info (?). But I haven't figured out why yet.