Auto Master Change to Current Focus Window and Option

Xatan opened this issue ยท 0 comments


heya Blossom, at present the Master is set and changed by pressing a key binding on a player in the group.
At present, this is annoying when you have changed to a minion to do some actions, and when combat ends all the minions start following the master, just when i am trying to move the minion and this causes confusion in where the minion is moving to (and even a disconnect sometime when trying to override movement).
With isboxer, it allowed for an automatic change of Master to the character which had the current window focus, which allowed follow after combat and assist targeting to be directed at the character in the window which has window focus.
I imagine you could detect which window has the current focus whenever a key press or mouse move/click is detected in a wow client window. If keyboard/mouse input is detected in a wow client then automatically make that character the master by sending addon-to-addon commands to the other minion characters in the group. This would also require an Option to allow Auto Master Change to Current Focus Window.
Thanks in advance :)