Settings not being pushed

wtpooh opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Glad you have come back to the fold ...

Have given myself a headache trying to figure out this issue.

Playing Retail, both accounts on same PC using different installs.
Use Guild Communications is ticked on.

Team is selected on both accounts.

CHARACTER1-REALM1 is the Leader and pushes all settings to CHARACTER2-REALM1

CHARACTER1-REALM1 General Chat shows ....
EMACore: Sending settings for all modules.
EMACore: Sending settings for: Guild

And so on till all settings are sent ..

EMACore: Sending settings for: Information
EMACore: Sending settings for: Tag
EMACore: Settings Received From CHARACTER1-REALM

Last line may point to the problem, it seems the settings are being sent back to the Sender.

No settings are received on CHARACTER2-REALM1

I hope you have enough info here .. nothing appears on Bugsack.


A known issue blizzard has limited /w add-on talk you need to use guild or be in a party for it to sent everything atm


Did you add your other character in the team list?

Blossom#9371 @discord


Yes ...
Both chars in (both) team lists
Both chars in same guild
Both chars on same realm
Char 1 shown as master
Both chars using guild comms