Set current Char the Master does not work in Combat

deus81 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


My leading Char died in an instance and EMA did not changed to another Char by using the Keybind "Set Current Character The Master". I tested it on trainingdummys and the result is the same. EMA changes the Master in "Team" but my Macro with "/click EMAFollowMaster" still follows the former Master. On one Char i had to reload after the fight because the click command didnt work at all and the other char followed the correct new Master after leaving Combat. Can this be changed to work in Combat?


Ok, thanks for the fast response ;).
Hmmm is it possible then to make a set of macros for every Char in EMA? Depending on the Char i am currently on and pressing "Set Current Character The Master" EMA would simply use the appropriate Macro for follow and not update the existing ones.
So for example if you have 5 Chars you need 5 x 4 Macros because the active Char does not need to follow and assist himself. Every Char would have a set of 4 Macros to follow and assist every other Char. Is this possible or would this cost too much time to realize im EMA?


Sorry you can not change it in combat currently as it you can not update Marco is combat.


I'll see what I can do the problem is working out who the mater is I maybe a table and then pick a Marco in that table. With char name == mastername or something


Unfortunately I can not give you a time frame to look into this maybe at the weekend a lot of my spare time is working on df


Thank you very much :)