Enhanced Flight Map

Enhanced Flight Map


Broken flight time on flight master UI

Paroyer opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Sincerly I enjoy so much this addon for classic, and even more since InflightTaxiTimer totally broke a couple weeks ago for some reason. Only thing i've ran throught by now is the tooltip flight time in the Flight master UI is broken but for some reason only in Kalimdor. The timer still display once I start a flight it's really just the tooltip and it works perfectly in Eastern Kingdoms for some reason



Please reopen if this starts again.


Well in the end I just nop the line throwing the error ( was some debug stuff wich i dont really understand since i wasnt in debug mode), and I've notice the world map routes were kinda broken for horde still work on continent map but not all the way zoom out. So i've just nop the part about showing thing on the world map and deleted that part of the config screen, keeping it on zonemap when I want it but it aint that bad. All tool tips working since, just the timer that i'm curently working on horde side and imma probly confirm all the ally one in the master commit are alright.


Interesting. I never had this error and I have a ton of addons. It might be a conflict with another addon.


Was this classic? What line did you comment out as I never encountered this.


Yeah that was on classic, but my desktop computer died and let me admit now with bcc it's actually working properly even tho I have almost the same addons. I didnt retry classic-era yet but I will and imma keep you update if ever I encounter the same issue, but I guess this issue can be close for now since it's not relevant for bcc