


Feature Request: On boss kill, pop up EP award (or automate)

wolfgangjt opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Our raid leader mentioned that in the original EPGP addon that whenever a boss was killed, it would pop up a box to award all players an EP award.

I was wondering if (a low priority request) there would be a way to implement this sometime? Currently when people come in late, and we clear the raid and award the raid complete bonus, I have to manually go in to the officer notes to deduct the bonus for the amount of bosses they missed.

Loving the updates man! Keep up the amazing work!


Did your raid leader used DBM? Boss kill/wipe popup is working now if you installed DBM.

If you installed DBM, when you entering world (sign in or reload), you will see "EPGP: Using DBM for boss kill tracking" in chat frame. DBM and EPGP will track all bosses, include low level 5-people dungeons. You can enable Interface->EPGP->Boss->wipe and have a test in any dungeons.


This feature works for me -- popup happens after every boss pull (DBM user here)


I am the raid leader (in terms of who starts the raid, i use the exodus (sp?) addon that people can whisp me inv to get invited to the raid so I can afk). Our 'raid leader' is the callout/strat person. I do have DBM installed.

I will test this today after work! Thanks man! <3


@marknl helped a lot on this feature. I did some basically test and will test on BWL and TAQ (AQ40) this week. Then it will be available in next release.



@wolfgangjt Code merged. Please wait for next release. It will come today.