


B/R not syncing between players

protella opened this issue ยท 1 comments



We're starting to use your addon this week and we like its features - Thanks! During our testing, when we put an item up for Bid or Roll, only the Master Looter is able to see the B/R values. Is this a bug where other users with the addon can't see the B/R values show up? We had a second officer with the addon open during the bids/rolls and nothing shows in his EPGP window, only the ML who is managing the loot can see them in the EPGP window.



I added an enhancement to help with this (officer announce), but we noticed this same issue with B/R not updating across all addon users. I think the issue is that you don't know who needs to know about the B/R. For us, we have a silent bid (mainspec, sidegrade, offspec, alt) for priority and just so we can keep things above board, all of the officers are in the loop. Just change the "announce" to include the PR and spit it out to officer chat instead. He's what we do:
