


Sync logs between officers / public log

Woktel opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Right now everyone has a personal log where you can see actions performed by you or others in epgp as long as you're online, but once you log off and someome adds/removes EPs or GPs from someone else and you later login you have no way of checking this as it's not in your log, making it hard to track and have a public log for all members to check for transparency.

Would there be a way to add an option that let's us make our addon sync logs between players of specific guild ranks (officers) when we login as to keep them up to date between us. I'm not sure how hard this would be to implement.


Entries are saves in the SavedVariables with the format:

  TIMESTAMP, -- [1]
  "TYPE", -- [2]
  "NICK-SERVER", -- [3]
  "DESCRIPTION", -- [4]
  AMOUNT, -- [5]
}, -- [ENTRY_NR]

TIMESTAMP is generated in AppendToLog() and then send to the comms channel to other clients. Though this doesn't make it unique, since f.e a boss kill will generate 40 lines with the exact same timestamp. So to make it unique, we need to add fields. NICK-SERVER would be possible. I see no way of having multiple lines in the log with the exact same timestamp and the exact same nick-server in it.

TIMESTAMP+NICK-SERVER would make a unique log entry where a sync mechanic can compare existing lines with these two fields to determine if it's a missing log entry or not.


May I ask is this feature will be added in the TBC release version?


May I ask is this feature will be added in the TBC release version?

@rdanee I don't have a plan about it for now. I am too busy on my job. Sorry.