


Old quests remain tracked even when removed from the quest log

ZachieBlade opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Describe the bug
This is very strange.. so I finished all of the quests I had, and they all disappeared from my quest log. I picked up some new ones, they did not track, so I manually tracked them. They all appeared in my sidebar.. along with some old quests that I do not have anymore, but they show as having the objectives completed. I'll include screenshots.

Do you have an error log of what happened?
No error is generated.

To Reproduce
All I did was:

  • Turn in quests
  • Accept new quests
  • Track the new quests.

Expected behavior
I expect it to only show quests I have.


What is the version of EskaTracker you use ?
1.0.18-beta (Objectives)

What are the versions of PLoop and Scorpio you use ?
(You can known that in opening the EskaTracker options)

  • PLoop: 224
  • Scorpio: 024

Additional context
The completed quests go away when I /reloadui.


This also might be related, so I won't do a second report, but I've noticed that sometimes quests won't update on the sidebar. This happens for WQs as well as regular quests.


Your issue seems similar to #10 . The case you encountered is when your quests have disappeared without triggered the expected event the addon needs to remove correctly the quest from tracker.

In the 1.0.18-beta (Objectives), i prevented the quests to pull no valid informations to avoid empty line but it's not enough.

I'll try a fix to remove the quests which disappeared. When the addon will update a quest while the information pulled aren't valid, this will remove the quest instead to prevent and keep it. This should fix the issue.


I close it. The quests removed from quest log should now be correctly removed.



Had it happen tonight, however as soon as I clicked it from the tracker it went away.