


Instance quests should get their own block

AussieEevee opened this issue · 6 comments


Instance quests (not dungeon quests) are currently placed under the quest block, but the addon recognises them as instance quests, and I'd like to see them get their own block, so I can add them to a different tracker than the main quest tracker.

Example of the quests I mean

2018-08-13 22_29_57-world of warcraft

The two Stormheim quests in this SS.


I love the idea. I'll see if i can implement that before the BFA release, stay tuned !


Some update.
I'll deploy an alpha build (1.1.0) which will add it. It's very very very experimental, so you may expect some bugs. It's the best i can do atm with the time i have. If really there are too much issues, you can switch on the release version (1.0.28) in waiting i make more work on it.

How enable the feature ?

  • Go in the options of Quest Block, there is a checkbox 'Show instance quests in the instance Quests block', enable it.
  • Do /reload
  • Add the Instance Quests Block in the tracker you want.

5x ...aceEskaTracker_Objectives\Modules\Quests.lua:185: attempt to index global '_InstanceQuestBlock' (a nil value) Scorpio\Core.lua:404: in function <Scorpio\Core.lua:399> (tail call): ?


I have pushed a new update (1.1.1) which fix all errors, and making the feature usable.
It's no longer needed to do '/reload' after the setting has been changed. This still needs more testing to check if there are cases where the things not happen as expected.


Some change will appear for this feature in the new alpha build should soon be available on curse.

  • I've removed 'Show instance quests in the instance Quest Block' option
  • I've added new options for Raid Quest and Dungeon Quest where you can select in which block they will be displayed (Quest Block and Instance Quest Block).



I close the ticket, the feature is now implemented.