


Problems with blizzard quest tracker

FaileDestiny opened this issue ยท 5 comments


So I've been using your add on for a few years actually, thank you for your hard work. A couple of things though with the 9.0 prepatch I've been having an issue with the blizzard quest tracker popping up even when i have the replace entirely option clicked on, all i have to do is go and turn it & back on but a bit repetitive. I did just download Elvui so it might be something on their side, but can't see any options that deal with the quest tracker other then their auto-hide option, which I did test but still popped up with it toggled in both direcitons.

The other thing is do you know of any guides to your addon or any other, working on a new set up and i want the tracking blocks to hide when they are empty, so far I've been setting up one for keystones, world quests and then my normal quest & achievement tracker. Which I would figure would be under the display rules, but theres no presets, or conditionals and i just dont know where to find them any clues where to look would be appreciated.

Thanks again =0)


Indeed, i forgot to include a change in a file. I have repushed a new version (1.5.3c)


thanks that got it updated =0)


I use also ElvUI but i don't encounter the issue you have concerning the Blizzard quest tracker, so i don't know why this happens.

For displaying rules, i have noticed there was an issue so i have just pushed a fix at this purpose. The problem was the options was broken due LUA errors i have forgotten to fix when i updated the addon for Shadowlands.

I had also written something a long time ago about displaying rules in the wiki which is still relevant, you can find here. This should be a good start for understand how this works.

For your case with the quests and achievements, you can do something like that:

If you have others questions, don't hesitate to ask here.


Thank you for the super quick response & that'll help me out alot =0)


So the rules themselves won't work for my situation as I always have quests being tracked (bad habit I know). However, I was looking at the Status function and think that'll be my best bet. However, I can't put any code in the text box.