


Are you continuing the Quest Tracker projects? :(

mutanzoom opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Hello, in the hope that you will read the comment, I will write it here on Curse and github.

I love their two addons Eska Tracker and Syling Tracker.
Unfortunately, both are not really usable at the moment, which is a shame.
Eska Tracker has so many great options, and the Quest display can also be collapsed. What is important to me in a raid.

But Eska Tracker doesn't work in Torghast ... and you get an error message:
1x ...Ons\EskaTracker_Objectives\Classes\ScenarioBlock.lua:335: attempt to call method 'SetBackdrop' (a nil value)
[string "@scorpio\Modules\Core.lua"]:77: in function <Scorpio\Modules\Core.lua:72>
[string "=(tail call)"]:

Slyling Tracker works for this in Torghast, but has SO FEW options like enlarging or changing the font. Or the quest buttons are unfortunately also buggy and more. :(

I'm just ready to support you with small donations or something. But before that I would like to know whether you are still working on your projects or whether you have given up everything?
Which would be a shame, because their quest trackers are the most beautiful so far.

I hope you stay with us and there will be updates soon :) Stay healthy


Hello @mutanzoom ,

To be honest with you, i no longer work on the both addon. The reason is i log into WoW rarely and plan to take a break from this game.


Oh no. This is very sad to read. :(
Then I'll tell my friends too. Because they also use the add-on and have been looking forward to updates.
But thank you for your work and thank you for the quick and honest answer.