SpellBarConfig color/texture options
Brusalk opened this issue ยท 1 comments
* Config: Added support for individual bar coloring and textures. Three new options are available in the class config. Also, an extra flag has been added for bar icons.
- bartexture: Sets a custom texture for this bar. Applies to buffs, debuffs, and cooldowns. (example: bartexture = "Interface\\Addons\\EventHorizon\\Smooth")
- barcolor: Sets a custom color for active buffs and debuffs for this bar. Does not support class coloring. (example: barcolor = {Red,Green,Blue,Alpha}, ie {1,0,0,0.6} )
- barcolorunique: Sets a custom color for 'unique' spells for this bar. If barcolor is set and this is not, unique spells will show with barcolor's setting instead. Same format as barcolor.
- keepIcon: Will force the bar icon to stay the same if it would normally change itself when a different spell is being shown. See the Warrior config for usage.
These aren't getting passed through to NewSpell by newSpell()