


Redshift not enabled by default

Brusalk opened this issue ยท 0 comments

[12:01 AM] Driphter: Yeah, the code uses EventHorizonDB.redshift.isActive
[12:11 AM] Driphter: Yep it checks the config setting for changes and syncs the db setting in Redshift.Init() but won't run it unless EventHorizonDB.redshift.isActive is true
[12:11 AM] Driphter: So the db never gets updated
[12:40 AM] Brusalk: I think the idea there is that it'll not display ever if you configure it in-game to not show
[12:40 AM] Brusalk: cuz you didn't want it to show
[12:41 AM] Brusalk: So I guess you disabled it in-game sometime in the past?
[12:41 AM] Brusalk: or am I misunderstanding what you guys mean
[12:41 AM] Driphter: It's disabled be default in the config and in the db
[12:42 AM] Driphter: If you enable it in the config but not in-game, nothing happens.
[12:43 AM] Driphter: The config option has no bearing on anything
[12:44 AM] Driphter: Well, you might be able to disable it from the config by changing it from enabled to disabled