


Pandemic support for Dots/Hots

Brusalk opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I've been pondering about this and I've seen a couple of other implementations on other mods, the simplest being just a line on the timer bar so when it's less than that you can refresh it. It might get a little irritating having lines at random distances, well not random but it isn't the same as the default D/HoT durations change, but it's not as elegant as I think we could get it.
EG, this is an example of a WA config of some druid bars:

I thought I might be able to implement something with the new bar colour options but when I went looking at the long list of things what I'd read about bar lines wasn't in it. So I went looking more and found this:

config.Lines = nil -- This draws extra marker lines on EventHorizon. Examples: config.Lines = 2 (add a line at 2 seconds in the future); config.Lines = {2, 4, 6} (add lines at 2, 4 and 6 seconds). Decimals and math are permitted, of course. Any amount of lines is allowed. Default: Disabled.

How hard would it be to get that as an option in the barcolors section?
Or even just as something we could configure on a per bar, instead of per config, way?

This would let us add Pandemic indicators without you having to code logic into the base mod.


More thoughts on this.

Since posting that I've been using the Pandemic template WeakAura and anchoring the icons to the EH_Handle, then positioning them so they're above the correct EH icon.
This turns the icons green when they're in Pandemic range, it's worked quite well.



Working on this (slowly). No exact ETA but I'd say within a week.