


Demon Hunter Fury of the Illidari requirements checking spams

Brusalk opened this issue ยท 1 comments

[4:03 AM] Kynasha: @Brusalk my chat is being spammed with. "Matched 201467 | 1 / 1" on my demon hunter, when i disable EventHorizon_DemonHunter it goes away, I cant seem to find the cause in the code(edited)
[4:18 AM] Brusalk: @Kynasha How often are you getting spammed? is it non-stop after you login?
[4:18 AM] Kynasha: yes at a rate of once per every 2secs it seems
[4:22 AM] Brusalk: Can you run the following for me, and let me know what gets printed to your chat frame?
[4:22 AM] Kynasha: sure
[4:22 AM] Brusalk: /run print(LibStub:GetLibrary("LegionArtifacts-1.1"):GetArtifacts())
[4:23 AM] Kynasha: should i re-enable EventHorizon_DemonHunter?
[4:23 AM] Brusalk: shouldn't have to
[4:23 AM] Kynasha: table: 00000265268DCBD0
[4:25 AM] Brusalk: hmmmmm
[4:25 AM] Brusalk: something seems bugged with artifact checking
[4:25 AM] Kynasha: ive had fun with my own project and artifact libs so i feel you there
[4:26 AM] Brusalk: If you want to use the rest of the demon hunter class config, you can comment out the lines in the DemonHunter/config.lua file that reference requiredArtifactTalent
[4:28 AM] Cluey: I'm open to feedback on that config too @Kynasha, it was hard to work out without having access to all the talents.
[4:28 AM] Cluey: The feral one worked as I expected it to after I got my artifact weapon @Brusalk. ๐Ÿ˜€
[4:29 AM] Kynasha: ill see what i can do, but im pretty busy with my own project so no promises ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
[4:30 AM] Kynasha: @Brusalk i can confirm that comment out bypassed the issue
[4:35 AM] Cluey: @Kynasha how upgraded is your weapon now?
[4:35 AM] Kynasha: on Demon Hunter not far, guild needed me to roll Enhancement Shaman
[4:35 AM] Kynasha: to which im on my 5th trait
[4:35 AM] Kynasha: at level 104
[4:36 AM] Cluey: I only got far enough to get the base weapon, then I had to sleep as I'm playing tour guide for my old raid leader as she's visiting my city.
[4:37 AM] Kynasha: nice!!
[4:37 AM] Cluey: I had wondered what happened with them as you leveled them, I assumed the spell stayed the same.
[4:38 AM] Cluey: I'm wondering if I missed the spell id's up for the two DH specs.
[4:38 AM] Kynasha: on the item or the use ability?
[4:38 AM] Cluey: I'm on a train though so I can't look. 
The spell it gives.
[4:39 AM] Kynasha: the spell id on Havoc, Fury of the Illidari = 201467(edited)
[4:39 AM] Cluey: Is that the number in the line you commented out?
[4:39 AM] Kynasha: yes
[4:40 AM] Cluey: Hhmmm, all yours @Brusalk ๐Ÿ˜‰
[4:40 AM] Brusalk: It should be the spellID of the artifact trait
[4:40 AM] Brusalk: not the ability
[4:40 AM] Brusalk: unless they're the same
[4:40 AM] Kynasha: same
[4:55 AM] Brusalk: Try replacing it with the spellID of the ones listed on http://www.wowhead.com/spell=201628/fury-of-the-illidari(edited)
Fury of the Illidari
Throws the Twinblades of the Deceiver in a whirlwind of energy, causing [7 * (140% + 140%)] Chaos damage over 3 sec to all nearby enemies.
[4:56 AM] Brusalk: 201628
[4:56 AM] Brusalk: 201467
[4:56 AM] Brusalk: 201789
[4:57 AM] Brusalk: see if one of those works
[5:02 AM] Kynasha: 201628 and 201789 - dont spam but don't show the spell either
[5:02 AM] Kynasha: only 201467 will show the spell
[5:15 AM] Brusalk: but still spams
[5:16 AM] Kynasha: yes
[5:25 AM] Brusalk: I wonder if there may be something weird with the library and how it handles the first gold trait
[5:25 AM] Brusalk: I'll look into it

Should be fixed with v1.9.14