


Bar colors not OK on DPS (but OK on tanks)

youdontknowmu opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Hello there,

After some more tesing on NM and HM I have a few more things to add :

  • Bars does not fade nor becomes gray after one DPS dies, making it difficult to see if he's still prescienceable
  • Bar colors (class colors) does not work for added DPS, but works for Tanks (All DPS are light grey, but tanks correctly have their classe colors)

I hope you find where it comes from, this addon is great :)

Have a nice day


bar colors are colored according to class


I'll do a bit more testing tonight, might be a problem with elvui ?

I'll make you a screenshot, only tanks a correctly colored but dps are all grey



with v1.0.18
when the player dies, it will be grey and pale, and DEAD will be written next to the name of the deceased

thank you for your suggestions


I'll do a bit more testing tonight, might be a problem with elvui ?

I'll make you a screenshot, only tanks a correctly colored but dps are all grey

Elvui can do it. Can you test it and let me know?


Yes I will try to troubleshoot this way

  • start with only evokeraug addon and see
  • reload the ui each time with one more addon of my UI until it bugs again

I'm also starting to wonder if it's not because I mainly play with people from another server and sometimes you have to hook their unit frame with
''Name - server'' instead of just ''name''

EvokerPlayer - Hyjal
SomeRadomGuy - Arathi

I'll keep you in touch, I'll play a bit Saturday.

Still have to thank you because we are HM 7/8 and I'm rocking your addon !