Experiencer 2.0

Experiencer 2.0


Reputation bar for guild reputation has wrong values on gain

DJScias opened this issue ยท 2 comments

          One thing I've noticed just now on one of my alts, that even though I'm revered with my guild, whenever I get guild rep the bar changes but it says Guild (Neutral) 0/3000. I can manually switch it to show guild reputation, but the next time I get reputation it will say Neutral again. Didn't notice it on my main yet but maybe it's because she's exalted with her guild.

Originally posted by @Demonicka in #10 (comment)


Hey @Demonicka,

Pulled this issue into another one so I can focus on this one specifically.

So the text on the bar at the bottom is wrong and it always shows 0/3000? Or does the amount work and it's just the "(neutral)" part that is wrong?

I'm still trying to reproduce this myself, but I don't have a char just yet that is on a guild rep that isn't neutral so I can't "see" this issue just yet.


I still require some more data here, I haven't been able to properly reproduce this yet.