Experiencer 2.0

Experiencer 2.0


Support Paragon Reputation

NoShotz opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Would be nice if the experience/rep bar would support paragon rep. Currently the bar just stays in a semi bugged state when you have it showing reputations you have maxed out that have paragon rep.



Sidenote, real nice seeing this addon updated, used to use it before it stopped getting updated.


Hello there,

I see, thank you. It seems when I check on Argussian Reach it also just uses "Exalted".

However I've noticed a few issues in how it defines when displaying Paragon vs Exalted which I'll take a look at soon.
I'll see if that might also fix the Renown Paragon, but I can't make any promises as the fix for that part would be theoretical because I don't have any Paragon options yet for my Dragonflight Renowns to test it in real-time.

Thank you for providing me all the information though, this'll help me a lot in getting this sorted.


Hello there!

Thank you for this report.

I did a few checks and notice Paragon does seem to work for most reputations on my end, so I think it's only bugged for the new ones that work with renown as of Dragonflight.


I probably missed this initially as I frankly don't have a single renown high enough to get into paragon levels yet.. But it's good to know they can do it so I can take a deeper look.

I do have a few questions for you though:

  • Could you check if the non-renown ones work as they should though with Paragon for you as well?
  • Could I ask if the renown max is 7.500 or is it also 10.000?
  • Last but not least, could you run /dump C_Reputation.GetFactionParagonInfo(2564); in your chatbox and show me the contents it returns? I can't check how Paragon info is given by these renown factions as I don't have any high enough. So it is empty for me.

Thank you for the kind words, I was in the same boat. Used it for years, got annoyed it wasn't updated and then just worked a bit on it myself. ๐Ÿ˜„

Thanks in advance.


For other reputations it does seem to work, however it just says exalted instead of paragon like in your screenshot.



And here is the output of that command


Also, for dragonflight, the paragon max is 7500



This should be resolved + fully implemented in 5.2.0.