


Only show zone.

griddark opened this issue ยท 12 comments


Quests that aren't in your current zone wouldn't display items even if tracked.


This one is a little hard to accomplish, since the information the game gives us through the API is most often incorrect, and is the reason I keep a custom database for certain quests that are completely off or missing the information completely.

I'll take a look and see if there is a way to accomplish this, but no guarantee.


I've installed it and will test tomorrow.


The options are awesome and I love you.

Scale doesn't save.
Not sure if this is intentional but there is no saving between characters. I have to configure it each time.


I just completed a world quest and it's kept Raal's hexing stick on screen. This is the quest https://www.wowhead.com/quest=51497/hex-education
I logged out and back in, and the size/location stayed, but the empty icon showed up.

Let me know if you want me to use bug grabber.


I'll take a look at it once I see a world quest with an item, thanks for testing.


I also noticed that the options work against each-other. How I mean is:

Only show for tracked quests, will show even if you're not in the zone, even if it's more than 300 yards.
How I think it should work (again this is completely up to you) Only show if tracked, if that quest is in the zone, if that quest is withing x yards.


I found some errors in the order of checks, had to spend a little time trying to make sense of it all, it's been a long day :P

This one should be working:


I'll try get profiles working later, you'll have to deal with the inconvenience of positioning for now.


Only show if tracked, if that quest is in the zone, if that quest is withing x yards.

That is how it should work, I don't see how anything else would work with how it's implemented.
It currently checks if it's tracked (or worldquest) first, if so then the zone, if so then the distance.


Oh sorry I 100% should have updated here, but my last 3 days have been a bit weird, I'm not sure if my weakauras were messing with this at all, I had a bug that was causing errors to go off super frequently, on like next level I think something like 1k errors in a minute or so... low key it was trying to treat a number like a letter it was crazy enough that weakauras are going to attempt to make it so people can't make that happen by accident.

Anyway, I have to say everything is working how I think it should, I haven't had any issues while doing world quests or quest the last 24hrs since i fixed that issue.

Only thing that would help now is if I didn't have to keep setting up the location of the button on every character I log in on.

thanks again, you have no idea how appreciative I am, been a little humbled by how you just did this.