Farming Bar

Farming Bar


[FEATURE REQUEST] Ok, here's what changes I would make. I see in the tooltip you have:

nikkisaurus opened this issue ยท 5 comments

    Ok, here's what changes I would make.  I see in the tooltip you have:

a (b/c) [d]

I'd like a = total tracker goals completed, b = total items in my inventory, c = tracker goal. For me, d isn't necessary. What you have above for 'count' and 'goal' takes care of the overall goal that's listed in the top left of the button. So putting it a (b/c) per tracker as I have it listed in my preferences would be perfect.

Originally posted by @rbpaiett in #42 (comment)


[d] represents the total number necessary to complete the overall goal. For example, if you have a tracker with a goal of 2, and an objective of 10, [d] would be 20, because you need 20 of the tracker to complete the overall goal. So if you have 10, the tooltip would look like:

5 (10/2) [20]

So I gather I have 5 of the tracker completed, and I need 20 to meet my overall objective of 10.


yes exactly.


Oh I see. Well, however you have it set up, I just want somewhere where I can see the total number of items right now in my inventory and where it fits in the gathering scheme.


Gotcha, so the way it is, what you want is there in the a (b/c) aspect. [d] is basically just extra information. b is your total inventory.


Fantastic, the latest update has made the tooltip totals appear EXACTLY the way I wanted it all along, THANK YOU!!!