Farming Bar

Farming Bar


Bug : Bar item quantity

elfluna666 opened this issue ยท 2 comments



Since several update, bars are not showing some the exactly quantity of items (even the last update). F.e : cobalt ore = 31 ==> show 4.


Are you getting any Lua errors? Be sure you have Lua errors enabled before confirming you have none.

Can you please send me an export string of the item in question: control right click the button to open the objective editor. Click save as template. From the newly created template click export. Copy and paste the export string for me.

Do you use datastore? DS comes with Altoholic, but is used by Farming Bar to enable counts on alts and in guild banks.

Thank you.


Closing due to inactivity. If the issue persists, please reopen this ticket and include the appropriate information previously requested.