Farming Bar

Farming Bar


[Bug]: Farming Bar is not including the bank

Neutralis525 opened this issue · 4 comments


Interface Version


AddOn Version


Have you replicated this error without any other addons loaded?


What steps did you take leading up to this issue?

Farming Bar doesn't include items from the bank (Bank option is checked) until I open the bank.

Please supply any screenshots relevant to this issue.

No response

Please supply a copy of your saved variables.

No response


Which items are you having the issue with?
Are you having any lua errors?
Does the issue happen every reload or only when relogging?


I'm sorry it's taken so long to address this issue. I have a few more questions, if you wouldn't mind answering.

  1. Are the items in the reagent bank or regular bank?
  2. Are you using DataStore (I'm assuming yes, since you mention the cross character counts, but just need to make sure).
  3. Has this problem happened with all items in your bank, or just the Draenic Seeds and stones?
  4. Once you open your bank and it includes them, do you need to repeat this at any point, such as after a reload or relog? Or is it only after initially creating the objective?
