Farming Bar

Farming Bar


Auction House selling does not update bar

mgouges2 opened this issue · 18 comments


Interface Version


AddOn Version


Have you replicated this error without any other addons loaded?


What steps did you take leading up to this issue?

When selling items through the Auction house, amounts on Farming bar do not update.

Did you encounter any Lua errors related to this issue? If so, please provide them here.


Please supply any screenshots relevant to this issue.

No response

Please supply a copy of your saved variables. You may need to save the file as a .txt file to upload here.

No response


Are you using altoholic for account wide counts or just the basic counts?

I think I may be able to add an update to the bars in response to an event, but I'll need to look into which event it is.

Also, I don't currently have an active sub, so I will not be able to test it in classic and I'm not sure if I can actually post auctions without a sub in retail.

I will try to do what I can, but if I need to resub, it may take me just a little longer to fix.


It went through and I accepted it.


No problem!


Ok just to be clear,you use altoholic on classic, but not on retail?

Also that would be wonderful if you could gift the time. I have a fix I need to look into for another addon as well, but I'm having some car troubles and can't really afford a sub myself at this moment.

If you do, thank you. If not, no worries. I'll do the best I can with the free access on retail. :)

My battle tag is Niketa#1952.


Thank you! I should be able to login and test some things by the weekend, and if I have time during the week as well, I will. It's always unpredictable how much time I have on week days.


Ok, just wanted a little more clarification. Do you mean when you initially post an item on the AH, it doesn't update the count? Or do you mean the count stays included when you post something, but when it sells, it doesn't update?


Gotcha. So, with Altoholic, it includes the count for items you have on the AH, since technically you still have the item until it is either sold or cancelled. I can implement an option to ignore posted auctions in the count, though, if you don't like this behavior.


I'm so sorry, it was a busy week for me. I will see if I can do it tonight after work. It should be a pretty quick option to add. If not tonight, in the next couple days.


Implemented in v3.10.1. If there are any more issues related to this request, feel free to reopen this ticket. Thank you for your patience!

Edit to add: you can find the toggle for the option under settings > general > miscellaneous.
