Feature Request: Disable 5 second rule (only show ticks) + keep ticks ticking
Wushengg opened this issue · 5 comments
Would it be possible to add an option to disable the 5 second rule and only show mana ticks?
It would also be a nice feature if the mana ticks would keep ticking even when full mana. I understand that over time the ticker might go out of sync, but in some circumstances seeing the tick would be useful information even when full mana.
@Wushengg Thank you for your suggestion! Keeping the mana ticks ticking could be an option for sure. I will consider it :-)
Just wanted to give support to the idea of tracking ticks only— hugely useful in some situations. Specifically, when playing mage I try to start cast evocation right before a server tick.
I see this is tagged good first issue, I wouldn't mind working on it but I'm extremely new to addon dev/lua so would need some coaching.
@Wushengg if you need this still here's a weakaura that does an okay job (sometimes wonky with things that increase mana regen):
@alexzaworski Cool :-) That's also one of the primary challenges with the addon. However, some of them have been handled. Take a bit more work to be a completely robust solution.
@Wushengg This is now a feature in version 1.19 - go check it out :)