


FlightQueue is taxi automation addon. By clicking any reachable taxi node on your world map, that node is queued for the next time you would talk to a Flight Master. Once you do, you will instantly be sent off to that node. You many change your queued taxi by clicking a different node or cancel the queue by clicking the same node again or using the /fq command.

USAGE NOTE:The First time a character arrives at a new continent (teleport, ship, hearth, etc) a Flight Master must be opened in order to load the new nodes. This keeps it locale independent.


Manually clear any node that you have queued.

Holding down Shift when talking to the Flight master temporarily disables the queued taxi.

Now Supports Classic:

/fq "search"

Replace "search" with your search term and FlightQueue will try to find it in your known Taxi Nodes and search for it once you open the Flight Master map.

Holding "Alt" key will bring the nodes to a higher level to make clicking easier if they are being covered by other pins