


Raid frame issue with experimental mode

jovaye opened this issue ยท 6 comments


It doesn't seem to happen consistently, but, sometimes when I join a 10 man raid group with experimental mode active I either am only able to see 1 member from each of group 1 or 2, or, I see everybody but only the top of member of group 1 and 2 are interactable. I'm not able to click, or see hp changes/buffs/debuffs on anyone else in the raid.

I tried to enable/reenable raid frames, shut the game off and back on, move people in and out of groups. I tried to have experimental mode enabled, but, disable all sorting for raid groups all to no avail. It seems to only happen about 70-80% of the time, but once it does happen I'm only able to fix it by disabling experimental mode and reloading.


Just noticed my last reply didn't post! I wasn't able to determine any patterns to it previously. I didn't grab any screenshots either unfortunately, but I've updated to 3.0 and should be que'ing rbgs later I'll report back if it happens anymore, with screenshots if it does!

Thank you :)


Thanks for the bug report, and I think I get what you mean.

Would you happen to have a screenshot of what's happening?
Do you notice any patterns when it happens? e.g. during combat, new member joins raid, etc.

I'll look into the issue and keep you posted!


I've just release a new version 3.0.0 with some improvements to Experimental mode that may resolve this.

Could you please give it a try and see how it goes?


Don't suppose you've had a chance to test it out yet?


I haven't the issue come up the couple time's Ive been in 10 man groups, but I haven't played much the last few days. If it does happen again I'll definitely respond with screenshots. Would there be any thing else helpful I can provide if it does happen?

Also, is there a way to sort so it would it go

Party 2
Party 1

I use Mousewheel up / middle mouse / mousewheel down for targeting but I want to be able to use MWD for Party 1 so when I'm queing 2s I just use MWU/MWD


Ok cool, I've done some testing myself in BGs and I think this issue has been resolved now so I'll close this bug ticket off.
Feel free to re-open though if the issue occurs again.

Regarding the reverse/descending party order, currently there isn't a way to do this.
I'll open a new issue as a feature request #5 and work on implementing a solution.