Feature Request:Disable GDKP limit on taiwan server
takaqiao opened this issue · 12 comments
local accountInfo = C_BattleNet.GetAccountInfoByGUID(UnitGUID("player"))
if accountInfo then
local realmID = accountInfo.gameAccountInfo.realmID
if realmID == 5845 then
self.GDKPIsAllowed = true;
not sure how to get other realmids,probably there will be a better solution :)
Hi @takaqiao, what's your request?
As far as I'm aware GDKPs are not allowed during this phase of Season of Discovery regardless of which realm you play on. If that's not the case then I'm going to require a source
Hi @takaqiao, what's your request?
As far as I'm aware GDKPs are not allowed during this phase of Season of Discovery regardless of which realm you play on. If that's not the case then I'm going to require a source
Sure Blue post on taiwan blizzard forum :https://tw.forums.blizzard.com/zh/wow/t/%E3%80%8C%E9%87%91%E5%B9%A3%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8%E9%99%90%E5%88%B6%E6%94%BF%E7%AD%96%E3%80%8D%EF%BC%88gdkp%EF%BC%89%E4%B8%8D%E9%81%A9%E7%94%A8%E6%96%BC%E5%8F%B0%E7%81%A3%E4%BC%BA%E6%9C%8D%E5%99%A8/12240
See 1ec4bc8
Can be downloaded now and will be released on Tuesday assuming Blizzard doesn't change its mind
Sry for reopen this issue,I just checked code.The problem why I use the code above instead of using GetCurrentRegion() is because I checked local if using GetCurrentRegion() it will get 2(korea) instead of 4(taiwan),seems like taiwan is actually using Korean Battle.net portal so the client will return wrong number @papa-smurf
@takaqiao your suggested change implies that there's only one Taiwanese realm (5845). According to realm status there are four seasonal realms in Taiwan.
Since I can't just change my region to TW (as far as I'm aware) I'm in a bit of a pickle seeing how I can't test any of this nor can I confirm that 5845 is indeed a TW realm.
@takaqiao your suggested change implies that there's only one Taiwanese realm (5845). According to realm status there are four seasonal realms in Taiwan.
Since I can't just change my region to TW (as far as I'm aware) I'm in a bit of a pickle seeing how I can't test any of this nor can I confirm that 5845 is indeed a TW realm.
I see.Thats why I create this issue,cuz I can only test one realm,I also cant able to test other realms(there are two realms r locked right now)
@takaqiao your suggested change implies that there's only one Taiwanese realm (5845). According to realm status there are four seasonal realms in Taiwan.
Since I can't just change my region to TW (as far as I'm aware) I'm in a bit of a pickle seeing how I can't test any of this nor can I confirm that 5845 is indeed a TW realm.
I got a new idea using local realmName = GetRealmName(),
I just tested,seems like this one working prefect
realm name : 十字軍聖擊/孤狼/生命烈焰/野性痊癒 I tested it in simplifed chinese and it returns tradtional chinese realm name so I assume it will return the correct string no matter what language client u r using right now
Is it possible to temporarily set your client to English and see if you still get these same realm names or whether you get an English variant? If you still get simplified Chinese then this will be an easy fix. Thanks!
Good to hear. Then it should work with
-- GDKPs are not allowed in SoD Season 2
if (C_Seasons.GetActiveSeason() == 2
-- Taiwan is excluded apparently: https://tw.forums.blizzard.com/zh/wow/t/gdkp/12240
and not GL:inTable({ "十字軍聖擊", "孤狼", "生命烈焰", "野性痊癒" }, GetRealmName())
) then
self.GDKPIsAllowed = false;
Good to hear. Then it should work with
-- GDKPs are not allowed in SoD Season 2 if (C_Seasons.GetActiveSeason() == 2 -- Taiwan is excluded apparently: https://tw.forums.blizzard.com/zh/wow/t/gdkp/12240 and not GL:inTable({ "十字軍聖擊", "孤狼", "生命烈焰", "野性痊癒" }, GetRealmName()) ) then self.GDKPIsAllowed = false; end