Gargul | Master Loot Tool for GDKP, TMB, SoftRes and Auto Loot

Gargul | Master Loot Tool for GDKP, TMB, SoftRes and Auto Loot


Request for Trade Announce

Gogo1951 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


It would be nice to have an automated trade announce.

/raid Gargul : I gave X to Sam.
/raid Gargul : I received 5,432 Gold from Sam

/raid Gargul : I gave Runecloth x 60, [Some Green], and...
/raid Gargul : ... [Some Other Green] to Sam

/raid Gargul : I received [Enchant] From Sam

/raid Gargul : I received [Lock Pick] From Sam

(Since the list can be longer than 255 characters sometimes you have to split it into multiple messages.)

That sort of thing.

Asking because it's one of the things that GogoLoot did and some of my old users were asking about this with Gargul. It comes in handy for GDKPs / speed runs where you want to keep everything transparent. GDKPs are only going to increase in popularity during Wrath.



Good idea, will add this to the next update since most of these functionalities are already in Gargul (who traded what)!


Btw something interesting I found out: a message containing only item links can be longer than 255 characters. Example: has a itemlink of ~105 characters, but you can still include 5 of these links in chat. 5 seems to be the max for all items, regardless of the length of their name.

How many characters you can include in a message next to those 5 itemlinks depends on the itemname itself. To calculate how many characters you have left you subtract the number of characters of all the items that you included itemlinks for (including their opening and closing brackets [] ) from 255. In the case of 5x Swiftthistle (12 characters + 2 for the brackets each) it would look like this:

255 - 5x14 = 185 characters left