Gargul | Master Loot Tool for GDKP, TMB, SoftRes and Auto Loot

Gargul | Master Loot Tool for GDKP, TMB, SoftRes and Auto Loot


Request for Auto-Rolls on BoEs

Gogo1951 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Request for Auto Need or Greed Rolls on BoE items, with an ignore list.

Another request from my users. Feel free to copy over any of the code I had to pull this off, but I doubt it's going to be usable for you.

Suggest having a customizable ignore list, pre-filled with common things that should be manually rolled on.

Suggest having it manually roll on all Legendaries, Epics, BoP blues, patterns, mounts, and bags at all times. Those are the things people get pissy about.

Helps encourage more people to use the add-on, not just the ML.


Setting it up to announce when someone has Auto Need Roll on is also a nice touch. Discourages Auto-Need when people are in groups. Just announce when they join, or when loot threshold changes.




Added it to the todo list!


@papa-smurf ,

You can use the code from GogoLoot. It works pretty well, easy to fit it into your existing UX.

I think we didn't check for pets, but it'd be good to add that option.

Maybe add an option to always roll on bags, that's the only one I ever heard grumbling about... but meh. Most people just buy bags off the AH now. If you add a bags option, suggest unchecking it by default.


Here's the list of items for the default ignore list. Some of these are a hold out from Classic.

    [4500] = true, -- Traveler's Backpack
    [11732] = true, -- Libram of Rumination
    [11733] = true, -- Libram of Constitution
    [11734] = true, -- Libram of Tenacity
    [11736] = true, -- Libram of Resilience
    [11737] = true, -- Libram of Voracity
    [12662] = true, -- Demonic Rune
    [12811] = true, -- Righteous Orb
    [18332] = true, -- Libram of Rapidity
    [18333] = true, -- Libram of Focus
    [18334] = true, -- Libram of Protection
    [18335] = true, -- Pristine Black Diamond
    [18401] = true, -- Nostro's Compendium of Dragon Slaying
    [20520] = true, -- Dark Rune
    [21884] = true, -- Primal Fire
    [21885] = true, -- Primal Water
    [21886] = true, -- Primal Life
    [22451] = true, -- Primal Air
    [22452] = true, -- Primal Earth
    [22456] = true, -- Primal Shadow
    [22457] = true, -- Primal Mana
    [23572] = true, -- Primal Nether
    [29739] = true, -- Arcane Tome
    [29740] = true, -- Fel Armament
    [30183] = true, -- Nether Vortex
    [32428] = true, -- Heart of Darkness

Oh right, when you have Auto Need on... as soon as you join a group, or the loot threshold / loot type changes, the addon should spam out a warning.

{rt4} Gargul : Warning! Automatic NEED on Green BoE Items is Enabled!

{rt4} Gargul : Warning! Automatic NEED on Green, Blue, and Purple BoE Items is Enabled!

And then when you turn that off, the message should be:

{rt4} Gargul : Automatic NEED on Green BoE Items is Disabled.

{rt4} Gargul : Automatic NEED on Green, Blue, and Purple BoE Items is Disabled.