Gargul | Master Loot Tool for GDKP, TMB, SoftRes and Auto Loot

Gargul | Master Loot Tool for GDKP, TMB, SoftRes and Auto Loot


Request for "Whose Loot Is It?" Feature

Gogo1951 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Everyone in the raid would have to have the add-on, but it would make it really nice to see who was supposed to loot a mob.

Also good for encouraging more downloads by having everyone use it, not just the ML.

commented - says ARR for license, but it's been dead since 2020. Was a good add-on. Likely some code inspirations there. AND in Wrath I think we finally get the API to show us who loot belongs to. So maybe just build that in to the tooltips when it comes out. (=