Gargul | Master Loot Tool for GDKP, TMB, SoftRes and Auto Loot

Gargul | Master Loot Tool for GDKP, TMB, SoftRes and Auto Loot


"Packrat" UX Suggestion

Gogo1951 opened this issue ยท 6 comments


This should be a dropdown of everyone in the current raid, not a manually typed name. That would make selection foolproof.

It should also announce on save when it's set or changed so everyone in the raid knows where and why things are going where they go.

It bugged on me when I switched toons, it had the old toon saved there still. That should never happen.





@Gogo1951: It should also announce on save when it's set or changed so everyone in the raid knows where and why things are going where they go.

You could do it for the rarity rules (e.g. blue+ to this person, green and lower to that etc), but announcing EVERYTHING has the potential of overflowing your chat. I personally have like 10 loot rules set up.

In my opinion it also doesn't add anything, and it's something I didn't like in Gogoloot. People can already see the master looter threshold in-game, does it matter who it goes to?

In ZA runs I always say: master looter is on, Amani Hex Stick are sent to a random player. Issue solved ^^. Did the same in ZG: "master looter is on, coins and bijous are distributed randomly".

Also: the bug you refer to is not a bug. Settings are not character-specific. You can use SELF to refer to yourself without having to resort to names :)


Another thing to note: dropdowns for names are not an option since it would make compound rules impossible. If you have a workaround for that do let me know :)

Example of a compound rule I use:

Send Rare and lower to !Disenchanter1 !Disenchanter2 !Disenchanter3 SELF


Is there a way to add "@player" or something to the list? So I don't have to change it when I switch between toons?


Got it, right at the top.

Nobody reads. (=

"SELF" Easy.

I don't understand the point of the complex rules. It's just a way to say, "It's either Joe, or fallback to Sally, or fallback to Mark." Yeah?


May be good to default the value to SELF is all.


I'd just add some helper text and switch the order around. Literally I just gloss over text. It's not good UX to make someone read. Set the default to SELF, and have the whole "Read More" at the bottom. I still don't understand the list of users... just seems odd. Like a temp fix. It's for unique items? I don't get the use case.
