Gargul | Master Loot Tool for GDKP, TMB, SoftRes and Auto Loot

Gargul | Master Loot Tool for GDKP, TMB, SoftRes and Auto Loot


Suggestion Build in Speedy Auto Loot "No Loot Window" Functionality

Gogo1951 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Even with Elv Loot frame turned, off, the "Speedy Auto Loot" hide the loot frame option isn't quite working.

I still see a Loot Frame for a second before it goes away.



I don't have a speedy auto loot, maybe I misunderstand your issue?


I don't want to see a loot window when I loot. I just want sparkles to go away and loot to go into bags.

Speedy Auto Loot was the inspiration for GogoLoot. I needed a way to ML while tanking. I never wanted to look at a loot window gear or be distracted by shit until we were done with the raid.

With Gargul, I get a 1-2 second lag when I open the loot window. Is it possible to not ever see a loot window? I can use Speedy Auto Loot or Leatrix to get rid of the loot window, but it'd be better if that feature came from your add-on. One less thing to update. (=


Try -- it's really nice. Never seeing a loot window is bliss when looting on the fly. We had incorporated this functionality into GogoLoot, but it's also available with Leatrix Pro and maybe a few others.