Gargul | Master Loot Tool for GDKP, TMB, SoftRes and Auto Loot

Gargul | Master Loot Tool for GDKP, TMB, SoftRes and Auto Loot


Suggest Revisions to "Ladies and gentlemen..." Activation Announcement Message

Gogo1951 opened this issue · 5 comments


This seems new...

[P] [Gogopaladin]: Ladies and gentlemen this is your Master Looter Gogopaladin speaking, today we are raiding with our trusty loot add-on: Gargul. 1/2 people are already on board. Get Gargul on CurseForge or your favorite add-on manager!

Likely going to get a bit of push back from users on this. Trying to be "personable" never really works. I've found.

Would suggest something like:

{rt3} Gargul : Master Loot Automation Enabled! Master Looter is X.

For GogoLoot... since it was just a loot vacuum, we also announced where items were going...

Purple, Blue, Green going to X.

Wouldn't work directly, since you have a lot of additional loot rules. Could say something like...

Purple, Blue, Green going to X. 3 custom loot destinations set up.

I think the only win for the intro message is just a quick mention of the add-on name. People will see loot get picked up faster. And then they'll know what add-on was responsible.

Currently I don't know enough about the features for non master looters to have an opinion about the rest. But having it put an automated message as if it were coming from my character... it made me cringe a bit. I think add-ons shouldn't RP. (=

Eventually I think something like... focus on the features and benefits.

{rt3} Gargul : Master Loot Automation Enabled! Master Looter is X. Gargul helps you auto-roll on BoEs, see who loot belongs to so you can skin, and automatically open all the clams! 3/5 people in this group are already users!


Can this please be re-opened? This intro message is unexpected, intrusive, and out of character. I don't see any way to disable this without fixing the bug in LUA. An AddOn should never speak for your character against your will, this is a core tenant of World of Warcraft AddOns. @papa-smurf @Gogo1951


@mmolad I'm not sure what you're talking about, just disable it. No need to tag two people or reopen a ticket over something that's not a bug and is litterally the first setting on the master looting page that you see when type /gl ;)



It's early and I linked the wrong setting :D


I also made sure it doesn't show after /reloads anymore