Gargul | Master Loot Tool for GDKP, TMB, SoftRes and Auto Loot

Gargul | Master Loot Tool for GDKP, TMB, SoftRes and Auto Loot


Request to Clean Up Tooltips

Gogo1951 opened this issue ยท 3 comments



Ok, I see the tooltips now. (=

They should get the same "branding" treatment that the raid messages do.

{rt3} Gargul : Soft Reserved by {Name}


{rt3} Gargul : Soft Reserved by {Name}, {Name}, and {Name}


{rt3} Gargul : No Reserves

Make the colors white, class colors for names are fine but the pink/non-white text kinda messy. Tool-tip text should not be split into 3 lines.

Also good to include some helper text, "{rt4} Gargul : Alt + Shift + Left Click to Open Loot Window" something like that.

Good to show the tool-tip only on gear that is still tradable.

(Admittedly my tool-tips are cluttered, I need to turn off the non-TSM Sell Price shit.)


Some good ideas, but this part is not up to me and seems to be one of your add-ons throwing some juicy stuff into the mix: Tool-tip text should not be split into 3 lines..


(unless you can see something wrong with this line: Tooltip:AddLine(string.format("\n|cFFEFB8CD%s|r", "Reserved by"));)


Something about GameTooltipTextLeft vs (or maybe just before) Tooltip:AddLine and making sure there was a block of lines for your add-on in the tool-tip frame. Been a while since I played with this. I do remember it took a bit of trial and error to get this to work right in Questie and GogoLoot when we built in the creator names in tooltips. Also pretty sure we had to use images in the tooltip, we couldn't call the Target Markers directly.
