Gargul | Master Loot Tool for GDKP, TMB, SoftRes and Auto Loot

Gargul | Master Loot Tool for GDKP, TMB, SoftRes and Auto Loot


[Request] Keep Loot list window showing while in a raid group.

scarecr0w12 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Is it possible (If not already suppose to), to keep the loot list window showing when in a raid group, regardless of actually being in an instance or not. Having to search through my bags for the right items after a raid is complete, and we if do loot outside of the instance itself, is annoying.

if there is a way to have this done, can you advise where, as i can not find a setting/option for this, and it seems consistent across different players in my guild.


Hi, whether you're in an instance or not doesn't matter. What does matter is whether you're the master looter or not depending on the following setting:

The loot trade timer window can take a while to reactivate after switching zones (this will be fixed), until then you can change anything in your bag (i.e. move an item) to force it to show again