Gargul | Master Loot Tool for GDKP, TMB, SoftRes and Auto Loot

Gargul | Master Loot Tool for GDKP, TMB, SoftRes and Auto Loot


The roll window doeasnt appear in raid

Halfino opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Hello, I had Issue tomorrow in raid, the roll widget didnt appear at all.
When I tested it before raid on junk item, it worked correctly, but as soon as I used it in raid, no widget appeared (guildie ML, me and my wife rollers with gargul installed)
I am using this settings.

Thanks for answer



  1. I used tomorrow the 11.5.2022 release version. Checking updates once a day only.
  2. Only the master looter had seen the roll widget, others dont. I am not sure who else had Gargul installed so mentioned only 3 persons who I know they have the addon. The behavior was same in/out of combat
  3. Will do so on next monday pug and make a report

Thanks for now


They most likely have outdated version. The master looter can check this with /gl version


hmmm...Might be an issue if the widget doesnt work cross versions. me and wife had same one as I installed her Gargul right after update of mine and it worked, but ML had maby older one...
Leave this for a week please, will confirm / report after diging on next iteration of our pug. I will also make some research in smaller groups in general.

  1. What version are you using?
  2. guildie ML, me and my wife rollers with gargul installed - Does this mean that the others did get it and only you didn't?
  3. What error did you get? /console scriptErrors 1 to enable error reporting for your current session

This should be easy to test again by getting in a raid group and rolling out items. If you can consistently replicate it then I'd like to ask you to record it if step 3 doesn't produce any errors


Hello, seems the issue was the master looter didnt have updated version of addon and all worked perfectly this monday.