Gargul | Master Loot Tool for GDKP, TMB, SoftRes and Auto Loot

Gargul | Master Loot Tool for GDKP, TMB, SoftRes and Auto Loot


[Request] Highlight if 2 or more players have same highest roll number

Lawdie opened this issue ยท 4 comments


When trying to sort loot out you can often get caught out where 2 people roll the same number, it would be great if the addon could highlight when this situation occurs so you can prompt re rolls.

Context: Accidentally awarded loot and never spotted someone else rolled the same number until they had equipped it.


Hi! I have never ran into this issue nor have I had any similar reports. That doesn't mean it's not a valid concern but that does mean that I have no idea what to do or show to make sure that you know something needs your attention :)

Doing anything to the roll records (the rows, the ones that get a yellow highlight when clicking them) is not possible sadly, but maybe you can think of some other soltuions that would help you?


My first thought would be when you "award" the item there could be a confirmation prompt if there are multiple people with the same roll

"Are you sure you want to give PLAYER1 [LOOTINGS]. There are multiple matching winning rolls"


That I can do, consider it done!


FYI, this is what it will look like after the next update: