Gargul | Master Loot Tool for GDKP, TMB, SoftRes and Auto Loot

Gargul | Master Loot Tool for GDKP, TMB, SoftRes and Auto Loot


TMB Wishlist RollOff Announcement Incomplete Player List

nhempel opened this issue ยท 1 comments



our Guild recently started using TMB and we noticed some odd behavior.

When the Wishlist position is tied with other people (and no priority is set), only one person gets added to EligiblePlayers.

Trying to debug this issue I found that line 212 in commit 2a14934 Classes/RollOff.lua was changed, where Entry.position is compared with EligiblePlayers[1].prio.

In all my testing Entry.position was always a nil value (with multiple TMB Guilds, exports and items), changing the condition to Entry.prio ~= EligiblePlayers[1].prio had the desired result of the all players being announced that had said item on the same Wishlist position.

Not sure if I have missed something, so a look into this would be appreciated.


Thank you for your report, this will be fixed in the next release! :)