


Nodes not appearing on mini map at all on new character

ROFLBOB opened this issue ยท 2 comments


All nodes (mining, herb, container, fish) suddenly stopped appearing on the mini-map on a new character. It was working when I first started the character, but suddenly stopped. I don't know what I was doing when it stopped working. GatherLite still works on my other characters. I've checked all settings and I can't get it working - I've reinstalled via Curse and manually (it says 5.1.1 in the app, but when i load in it says 5.1.0), disabled all other add-ons, adjusted the settings numerous times. I am using the predefined database. The nodes still appear on my Area Map, just not on my minimap.

Mining is selected from the filter. My minimap settings are as follows:
Keep nodes on minimap edge - checked
Show loot on node tooltip - checked
Show nodes closer than 784 units
Icon Size: 12
Icon Opacity: .5
Hide nodes closer than 27 units

show nodes on the minimap - checked

I've adjusted these settings all around and they don't seem to have any effect. I attempted to find a solution by deleting multiple files in the WoW Classic directory but haven't had any luck. The files I deleted were GatherLite.lua, GatherLite.lua.bak, and my character folder in {account}/Ateish/Nomikai (my character name).


I discovered that the issue above only happens in azuremyst and bloodmyst island, the dranaei starting areas. I took my new character (a dranaei) to Auberdine and Menethil harbor, and the minimap icons have reappeared.


This was due to an areaID error in the database... this has been fixed now, and will be available on the next update