


- 1.7.4 - build 0

Marsgames opened this issue · 0 comments

  • 1.7.4 -
    Fix tooltip messages on equipped items
    Minimap icon

  • 1.7.3 -
    Alert when someone call your name
    Update librairies for BFA

  • 1.7.2 –
    GearHelper now works with BFA beta
    Add a Whisper Alert
    Minor fix

  • 1.7 -
    Major update
    C Stack overflow fix !
    Update weightValues
    Total redesign of calculation system.
    More efficient, more accurate, less issues, less mistakes
    Custom weights are finally here
    New tooltip design for items that are better or worse than yours
    Quest reward, loot telling in instance, green dot and auto need/greed should re work correctly 
    Green dot or gold icon on quest reward if AutoAcceptQuestReward is turned off
    No more abusive prints
    Ace3 implementation
    AutoEquipLootedStuff & AutoEquipWhenChangeSpec should work

  • -
    Much fix thanks to Nirek
    Some deDE translations (Salty)

  • -
    Fix GH_UI
    Update money earned message

  • 1.6.6 -
    7.3 Update
    NEW calculation of statweights
    Better calculation of items stats
    Should works on more items that previous versions
    Fix auto invite
    Fix askIfHeNeeds
    German translation askIfHeNeeds message
    Update Playsound function to avoid lua errors
    Fix createLinkAskIfHeNeeds() ?

  • -
    Optimization askIfHeNeeds
    Update statweights

  • -
    Code optimization
    RAM optimization
    improve auto accept quest reward
    Improve auto loot in instance

  • -
    7.2.5 Update
    Update noxxic weights
    Minor updates
    Minor fix

  • -
    Fix "attempt to index global 'test' (a function value)" error
    Fix error in Weight values

  • -
    Wow 7.2.5 update
    Fix ? German translation (English since there is no German translation)

  • -
    Minor improve
    Better gem calculation
    Bug fix on English translation

  • -
    7.2 minor fix
    Add /gh eccip to a macro to have a Button to equip best items
    Button in /gh to equip best items

  • 1.6.5 -
    Improve English version of auto ask loot
    Verbose mod of auto equipped when loot
    Fix auto equip while fishing ?
    Major fix star weights
    New icon for better stuff
    BETA TEST : Custom weights (not recommanded)

  • 1.6.4 -
    Green dot on item icon if item is better than yours

  • 1.6.3 -
    Fix ask loot in raid Finder
    /gh ask loot to change option
    Major fix

  • -
    Improve weight calculation
    Shouldn’t be out-of-date now

  • 1.6.2 -
    Minor fix
    Calculation fix
    Ilvl item improve
    In raid tell you if someone loot something better than what you have
    Auto Ask if he needs his loot if you click on his name

  • 1.6.1 -
    Deactivate autoEquipWhenLoot during fishing
    Improve weight calculation
    Minor fix

  • 1.6 -
    Update gem socket calculation
    Update AMR weights
    Minor bugs fix
    Fix War Furry weight

  • -
    Money earn by selling
    Fix weight system

  • 1.5.9 -
    7.1.5 update
    Maj Weight Noxxic
    New weight system

  • 1.5.8 -
    Maj Weight noxxic

  • 1.5.7 -
    7.1 update
    Minor fix

  • 1.5.6 -
    Fix gem socket calculation
    Fix bg error
    Minor fix

  • 1.5.5 -
    Fix auto accept quest reward

  • 1.5.4 -
    Add gem socket in stat Weight calculation
    Change default translation from French to English
    Fix addon message

  • 1.5.3 -
    Fix Russian translation
    Minor fix

  • 1.5.2 -
    Update auto tell loots
    Fix /gh menu
    Add Icy Veins weights
    minor fix

  • 1.5.1 -
    AMR update weights

  • 1.5 -
    Auto invite when /w +GH123-
    Update and fix /gh menu
    /gh im "message" —> change invite message from +GH123- to "message"
    Auto tell loots if your RL and in a raid.
    Add Russian translation (thanks to Ээтанолл-Ревущий)

  • 1.4.2 -
    Fix debug mode

  • 1.4.1 -
    update tooltip
    Update artifact Weight calculation

  • 1.4 -
    Weight calculation update
    fix /gh config checkbox
    autoneed update
    quest reward update
    Less ram utilisation
    Update english translation

  • 1.3.3 -
    Fix /gh menu

  • 1.3.2 -
    Auto repair fix

  • 1.3.1 -
    Fix auto repair whith guild when you’re not in a guild

  • 1.3 -
    Auto repair
    Auto repair with guild
    Add traductions

  • 1.2 -
    Fix few traductions
    Change ui
    Escape —> interface —> addon —> GearHelper menu
    Minimap Button
    Option to show / hide minimal Button
    Quest reward depend on loot specialization

  • 1.1 -
    Add few english traductions
    Baguette / arme à feu / arc / tomes corrigés
    Auto need companions
    Auto need legendary / heirloom / +
    Weights update noxxic

  • 1.0.3 -
    fix fix GetQuestReward()

  • 1.0.2 -
    fix GetQuestReward()

  • 1.0.1 -
    Fix english traduction

  • 1.0 -
    Quest reward
    (Best object or more expensive)
    Weights update
    7.1 update
    1 hand added

  • 0.9 -
    DH weights

  • 0.8 -
    Fix 1h weapon message
    Fix heirloom message
    Fix auto need
    Fix auto equip
    Config panel
    /gh config to show config panel

  • 0.7 -
    Auto change stuff when change specialization
    Fix heirloom error
    Fix character equipment tooltip
    Modifications messages maj addon
    Auto need on your loot specialization

  • 0.6 -
    Auto equip items you need in instance if you’re not max lvl

  • 0.5 -
    Auto complete quest where there is no reward
    Tell you if you should need or greed

  • 0.4 -
    Autogreed on items you cannot need
    Autogreed on items not for your class

  • 0.3 -
    Addon msg : OK
    autoroll mount
    autosell grey

  • 0.2 -
    7.0.3 update
    Addon msg - looking for update from raid / party / guild
    Added enUS localization to be updated
    Added deDE localization to be updated

  • 0.1 -
    addon msg

  • 0.0 -
    On/off per character (profils)
    cmd list :
    /gh on
    /gh off
    /gh help