


Change to on-use trinkets 30 seconds before CD wears off

Olorun opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Would be nice to have some option so that quickchange can change items 30 seconds before they're ready.

For example, I'd like Talisman of Ephemeral Power to change to Eye of the Beast after it's duration is over (which I can achieve by using 15 seconds of delay). Then, when Talisman is on a 30 second cooldown, gearmenu will switch back from Eye of the Beast to Talisman.

Would it be possible add this functionality? Cheers


yea, this feature from itemrack is really needed!


Hi @Olorun and @knasen88

Can you maybe elaborate a bit how this would work exactly. I'm not quite sure if I understand how it would work.

Would the user be able to like choose a default item for a slot and whenever that item is ready or at a 30second cd it would be equiped? Is that what you're saying?
For me this sound like it has a lot of potential to be disruptive and change the gear at time when I don't want it. I might misunderstand how it would work though.


Alright I'll write down a typical caster example for current content.
Let's say I have 2 passive trinkets (trinket A and B) and one active trinket - Mind Quickening Gem (MQG).
Currently equipped are trinket A + MQG.
In fight one I'll use MQG, then as soon as combat is over, Gearmenu will swap out MQG for trinket B.
Then, once MQG has a cooldown of <=30 seconds, Gearmenu will queue up MQG to be swapped in.
If we're not in combat, this will immediately swap, otherwise it's queued to be swapped as soon as combat ends.


This functionality is also useful for hunters. At this point many hunters cycle through many trinkets in a single boss fight. Now in Naxx fights tend to be a bit longer, allowing the use of the same on-use trinket multiple times. equiping a trinket when there is 30 seconds left on the cooldown allows the player to use the item immediately when its ready

If you wait to queue the item until the cooldown is over, you incur an additional 30 second cooldown when you equip a new trinket


Would be a really nice feature indeed :)


Please add this! When trinkets are swapped they're put on a 30-second cooldown anyway, so swapping them when at 30 or fewer seconds would be awesome.


Any update on this?