


Patch 11.0.2 LUA errors

Beet4 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


1x GladiatorlosSA2/GladiatorlosSA2.lua:8: attempt to call global 'GetAddOnMetadata' (a nil value)
[string "@GladiatorlosSA2/GladiatorlosSA2.lua"]:8: in main chunk

AceConfigDialog =

tooltip = AceConfigDialogTooltip {
BlizOptions =
popup = Frame {
OpenFrames =
Status =
frame = Frame {
AceConfig =
L =
OutlawRG = "Outlaw"
ShadowPR = "Shadow"
file path = "Custom File Path"
AssassinationRG = "Assassination"
Spell Casting = "Spell Casting"
Raid = "Raid"
FriendlyInterruptedDesc = "Disable the alert that occurs when an enemy successfully interrupts you or an ally which locks them out of casting.|n|n(Plays the Blizzard 'Quest Failed' sound effect.)"
Source type = "Source Type"
Monk = "|cFF00FF96Monk|r"
BigHeal = "Big Heals"
Optional / Neutral voice = "Optional / Neutral voice"
Alert only works in arena = "Alerts occur in arenas and PvP Scenarios (such as Island Expeditions)."
Warlock = "|cff9482C9Warlock|r"
Custom = "Custom"
Disable special abilities = "Cast Success/Instants"
Buff Down = "Buff Down"
CastingSuccess_Desc = "Enables generic 'success' alert when a major enemy cast-time Crowd Control ability is applied to an ally.|n|n|cffC41F3BWARNING: ALL of the abilities below will announce their success if this is enabled, even if you have some of them disabled in Spell Casting.|r|n|nCyclone (|cffFF7D0ADruid|r)|nEntangling Roots (|cffFF7D0ADruid|r)|nHibernate (|cffFF7D0ADruid|r)|nMass Polymorph (|cff69CCF0Mage|r)|nSleepwalk (|cff33937FEvoker|r)|nScare Beast (|cffABD473Hunter|r)|nPolymorph (|cff69CCF0Mage|r)|nRing of Frost (|cff69CCF0Mage|r)|nRepentance (|cffF58CBAPaladin|r)|nSearing Glare (|cffF58CBAPaladin|r)|nMind Control (|cffFFFFFFPriest|r)|nHex (|cff0070daShaman|r)|nFear (|cff9482C9Warlock|r)"
DemonologyWL = "Demonology"
Gender detection = "Gender detection"
Source unit = "Source Unit"
BalanceDR = "Balance"
Target = "Target"
Optional / Male voice = "Optional / Male voice"
EXPAC_BfA = "Battle for Azeroth"
PreservationEV = "Preservation"
Evoker = "|cff33937FEvoker|r"
GuardianDR = "Guardian"
CovenantAbilities = "Covenant Abilities"
PvPWorldQuests = "NYI"
Use existing sound = "Use existing sound"
BigHeal_Desc = "Nourish (|cffFF7D0ADruid|r)|nHeal (|cffFFFFFFPriest|r)|nPower Word: Radiance (|cffFFFFFFPriest|r)|nHoly Light (|cffF58CBAPaladin|r)|nHealing Wave (|cff0070daShaman|r)|nSurging Mist |cFF00FF96(|cFF00FF96Monk|r)|r"
event type = "Event Type"
Neutral = "Neutral"
Party = "Party"
Voice config = "Voice Options"
Alert Drinking = "Alert Drinking"
Alert only works in BG = "Alerts occur in battlegrounds."
RacialAbilities = "Racial Abilities"
Advance options = "Advanced Options"
ElementalSH = "Elemental"
GladiatorlosSA2 = "GladiatorlosSA2"
Spell_Interrupt = "On Cast Interrupt"
EXPAC_TWW = "The War Within"
Disable abilities by type = "Disable abilities by type"
FriendlyInterrupted = "Ally Lockout Alert"
Friendly = "Friendly"
Disable options = "Disable Category / Feature"
EXPAC_SL = "Shadowlands"
BeastMasteryHN = "Beast Mastery"
name = "File Name"
Ambience = "Ambience"
ProtectionWR = "Protection"
HealerDispel = "Magic Dispels"
Rogue = "|cffFFF569Rogue|r"
EXPAC_MoP = "Mists of Pandaria"
EXPAC_Cata = "Cataclysm"
General = "General"
Change Output = "Change Output"
EXPAC_WotLK = "Wrath of the Lich King"
EXPAC_TBC = "The Burning Crusade"
FuryWR = "Fury"
EXPAC_Classic = "Classic"
EXPAC_UnknownExpac = "Unknown Expansion"
Boss = "Boss"
GladiatorlosSACredits = "Customizable PvP Announcer addon for vocalizing many important spells cast by your enemies.|n|n|cffFFF569Created by|r |cff9482C9Abatorlos|r |cffFFF569of Spinebreaker (past)|r|r|n|n|cffFFF569Special Thanks|r|n|cffA330C9superk521|r (Past Project Manager)|n|cffA330C9DuskAshes|r (Chinese Support)|n|cffA330C9N30Ex|r (Mists of Pandaria Support; Shadowlands voice recordings)|n|cffA330C9zuhligan|r (Warlords of Draenor & French Support)|n|cffA330C9jungwan2|r (Korean Support)|n|cffA330C9Mini_Dragon|r (Chinese support for WoD & Legion)|n|cffA330C9LordKuper|r (Russian support for Legion)|n|cffA330C9Tzanee - Wyrmrest Accord|r (Placeholder Voice Lines)|n|cffA330C9Gnulkion - Illidan|r (Alert only fro