Gladius - Dragonflight

Gladius - Dragonflight


Bug: change the function Auras:GetAuraList()

balciseri opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Hi there, i can't add [GetSpellInfo(31117)] = 8, -- Unstable Affliction silence debuff
in the Auras.lua file, because if i do this i end up in game with the classIcon of the enemy arena unit always covered up by the Unstable Affliction Icon of the Dot and not of the Silence debuff you get when you dispell UA.
This is happening because you are using Names and not Ids for the auras so in the Classicon.lua File this IF:
if (Gladius.db.aurasFrameAuras[name] and Gladius.db.aurasFrameAuras[name] >= self.frame[unit].priority) then

is actually true even for the Dot part of the Unstable Affliction because it has the same name as the silence debuff you get by dispelling it (31117), but i don't wan't to show the Dot just the silence debuff named "Unstable Affliction".

I guess there can be more of this type of bugs if you handle the auras with Names rather than Ids


I know it's an old Issue.
I bet you fixed it by now ๐Ÿ‘
Should we close the issue?


Actually you're right, gonna look into it and fix this.


Awesome, thank you.


Added this with 3.3.5, could you try it? You just simple need to add an aura, on the Auras/Auras page by entering it's id:

Module must be enabled to work!


Wow nice work, sadly i can't test it because i don't have an active subscription.