


option to display party frames outside of arena

Gimlehr opened this issue ยท 15 comments


As per title would be nice to have the option to show party frames all the time not just when entering an arena


/gex test5 is what I do.
I have two profiles, one for pve without arena frames displayed, one for pve.


Ok that's probably workable for now its mostly when out of arena between games being able to interact with the party frames to remove someone or inspect them when running pug's, I currently need to have blizz party frames showing for that.


you can enable the Clicks module in party so left click targets.


Clicking itself is not the issue its the fact party frames only show in arena unless you do a /getx test2-5

Ideally there would be an option to have party frame show all the time so they could replace blizz party frames and just have arena frames show/hide when entering an arena match.


I may not be explaining myself particularly well, I'll mock up some screenshots if that helps


No no, I think I understand, there's just no way to do that ATM because the addon has a few bugs when you use it that way: it was never considered that a party member might be replacing mid-instance for example.


By individually I mean party and arena. looks like the code passes 'unit' into the show/hide function and arena/party frames are dealt with together.


Technically a 1-5 for party would be needed to enable party frames to be used as replacements for blizz party frames, for arena 2, 3 and 5 is all that's needed I agree


You can alreaady do that, though?

Maybe I missed something


Thats true I think party frame is fine when you're in a party in arena it was more around if future implementation enabled displaying party frames outside of arena being ae to handle 1-5 players in a party helps when building a group, its just the event that triggers displaying party frames is arena entry or test as far as I can tell


If I have party enabled /gex 5 shows my party + placeholders for unfilled spots


Ah, that's what you mean. Yeah that's a bit annoying, but I tend not to use it when forming the group so I didn't really run into that issue.


Ok fair I tend to run a lot of pugs rather than a fixed team unfortunately.

We often have to go though a number of players before finding someone that fits.


Maybe something to consider for future as the party frames are better than most and would make a good replacement for othe party frames.

Splitting the functions that show/hide frames to allow for showing/hiding individually may be an option, I only had a very quick look through the code and my lua knowledge isn't amazing.


showing/hiding individually

What do you mean with "individually"? you mean to have a solo one or a 4-people group one? because otherwise, "2v2" "3v3" "5v5" do the job.